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Nghiên cứu thời gian bảo quản đến khả năng nẩy mầm của hạt và ảnh hưởng của phân bón hữu cơ đến sự sinh trưởng của cây cà dại hoa trắng (Solanum torvum Sw.)
Tóm tắt
The study aims to examine the storage time of seeds and growth of Solanum torvum Sw. in order to initially establish the propagation process and instructions among farmers. The study which included two experiments was carried out at the lab of An Giang University. The results showed that time for the best seed preservation should take from 1 to 3 months that resulted in the best germination rate of 82-84%. After 75 days of planting, there were flowers and after 90 days, there were fruits. In addition, the trees would grow well when they were planted with Binh Dien organic microorganism fertilizer, together with the average height 212.5 cm, 10.55 branches, trunk diameter 2.3 cm, and 15.45 bunch of fruits.
Từ khóa: Solanum torvum Sw., propagation, Binh Dien organic fertilizer, germination